Delivery management > Resource management

Resource management, especially human resource management, is inherently more important in offshore deals than in traditional outsourcing engagements.
From the start of a project, it is essential that team members undergo stringent selection process and follow customized induction program, all in coordination with the client’s subject matter experts.
During steady-state it is also critical to follow the involvement of key members and to palliate knowledge bottlenecks that might occur over time.
Clients should not assume offshore suppliers are the experts in resource management: suppliers obey to specific rationales which, under specific circumstances, may eventually result in deviances with clients’ expectations.
SHOREO works with clients to dedicate time and effort to establishing an end-to-end resource management framework comprising induction plan, knowledge management, new staff on-boarding process, retention and motivation techniques, assignment of key members, resource plan, skill matrix, and individual appraisals.