Delivery management > Performance management

Continuous improvements form one of the key long-term deliverables of offshoring contracts. However, once a steady state is achieved, there is a natural reluctance on both client and supplier sides to diverge from the status quo.
From their direct experience and knowledge of supplier methodologies, and by paying specific attention to client’s internal processes, SHOREO consultants contribute to innovative solutions that help avoid client/supplier politics. They virtually act as a sounding board for both the client and the supplier, operating by means of facts evaluation.
Amongst the performance management items that SHOREO consultants offer are:
- Agree on service levels that have a direct bearing on success
- Ensure regular measurement and monitoring of agreed KPIs (quality, skills, schedules, risks, unresolved issues, etc.)
- Define performance gap-closing action plan
- Setup attributes for collaborative and learning organization
- Ensure executive visibility, and buy-in throughout the engagement